Welcome to Rock Paper Sabotage

Welcome to the world of sabotaging others in the game of Rock Paper Scissors! Tired of losing round after round, then it time to be mischievous and sabotage everyone else. At the beginning choose an upgrade to one of your cards, such as evolving Rock to Asteroid, and then play your sabotage cards so your opponent must cower before your mighty Asteroid! Welcome to the first public launch of Rock Paper Sabotage

Rock Paper Scissors is a relative simple and classic game that I have created a new twist to. Upgrading your choices, and being able to sabotage your opponent. The inspiration behind this project comes back to when I was a kind, after being frustrated with losing so many rounds in a row rather than doing rock, paper, or scissors instead I threw out Volcano. Hence I wanted to make a game where you had more options in Rock Paper Scissors. The sabotage system was a addon to the game to help balance the game and give additional strategy to the game. Without sabotage cards, the game would end up a randomizer of who can get the better upgrades.

The way the game works is that you first enter the Upgrade phase where you'll draw 3 upgrade cards and choose 1 of them to upgrade your Rock, Paper, or Scissor card. After that, you enter the Sabotage phase where you can play your sabotage cards, as many as you would like per turn. You start with a max size hand of 4 for sabotage cards and draw one per turn if your hand size is less than 4. Then in the Battle phase you may choose your choice of Rock, Paper, or Scissors and see if you won the round. 

Even if you upgrade, rock will still tie against other rock cards. However upgrading may allow you to win against otherwise unfavorable matches. Upgrade cards have levels, 1 through 9, and if your level is one higher to a card your weak to, it will result in a tie, such as a level 2 rock vs level 1 paper, and with 2 levels higher you can win such as a level 3 rock vs a level 1 paper. 

For sabotage cards, there are currently 8:

Earthquake: Destroys all rock cards in play, will not activate if paper and scissors are already destroyed 

Flash Fire: Destroys all paper cards in play, will not activate if rock and scissors are already destroyed

Corrosion: Destroys all scissors cards in play, will not activate if paper and rock are already destroyed

Darkness: Shuffles your cards and then your opponent's cards face down for turn so no one knows what they are playing

Peek: Look at one of your opponent's battle cards

Peek-a-Boo: Look at all your opponent's battle cards 

Reset: All cards go back to level 1 versions 

Reversal: Weaker cards will now win

I know we cover a lot and thank you for reading this far. This game still has a long way to go. With tons of sabotage cards waiting to added, updated UI and graphics, a better AI for the computer player, and the finishing goal of adding Player Vs Player, this game has a ways to go. I appreciate your time reading and playing, and any feedback you have in mind. 


Build 1.64.zip Play in browser
68 days ago

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